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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the 1st sushi day for me~~~

hunger for sushi today
asking everyone
everyone ate on the 1st day....MONDAY
luckily, my lovely big tree going to eat with me again~~~

my big tree gor gor bring me to Kluang to have the special sushi bonanza~~
RM2 per plate!!
as you can see....
the Q is sooooo LONG!!!!!!
i wait almost an hour!!>"<

finally we reach the the front...
the service leader is very friendly
i like to talk with him...haha
he ask us wanna share a table with other couple or not...
(lol, he thought we are couple???!!impossible)

of course we refuse...
quite weird to sit with the stranger...
hard to chat...
and hard to eat...
(it's too ugly when i eat!!!)

but he is still explain to us patiently...
if the other couple refuse to sit with us..
then nobody will blame us by using the 4 people table!!
hahaha...we really thought to say yes...
but my keen eyes saw that's someone leaving!!!
yes, no need to share!haha

this is the service leader...
seem like is a good guy...
(hey hey, I'm single you know??)

there is a lot of sushi here!!!!!!!

the 1st thing i have to do is....
i love salmon~~

somebody is acting professional camera man there~~
im the camera woman lady~~
(mei said do not simply use the word 'woman')

ok~~starting to eat~~

this is not my plate.....
can u imagine how dirty is he???

the customers eating~

big tree going to try new food....

he put too much wasabiiiiiiiii
and he CRIED!!!!!
can you see his eyes is full with tears?

drink as much as he can!!!

this is me~~cheers

so happy before eating that wasabi-contented sushi~

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