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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


man should think of the consequences every step you make.
but sometimes, you cannot care too much of thing.

you think of the consequences just to avoid something bad to be happened 
but at the same time, you actually losing something 
a bad thing doesn't mean you should not do
just like what happening during your childhood,
who don't ever skip their class?who don't ever disobey their teacher or parents?
we ignore their advices, and we know, it may bring us the bad thing
but, that is childhood, and it is the memory we made

something doesn't worth if you think rationally
but, it is worth if you feel it with your heart.
the community's norm made us afraid to do many things that mentally needed.
we scare to become the sinner.
we scare what others think of us
we scare...
and thus, we stop to do something that we like

hey, guys,
be yourself,
everything you do that doesn't harm others
Just do it!!
this is your personal stuff, why care of them?
as they like what to say, what to do.
you, are YOU.
nobody is gonna kill you. 
there must be someone support you.

life, is like that
yes or no
do or don't
if you care, you may avoid something bad
but if you care over, you lose something. =)