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Monday, September 17, 2012


Life is weird and amazing. It always shows something that is out of expect and our role is to deal with it.

These 3 months, there are a lot to deal with. Broken heart, FYP, suitors, perverts, school stuffs..blablablabla... a lot of personal life thingy. Who do not deal with those things in their life?

it might hard to go through all the difficulties, but time really can cure it. Failure, success, or maybe stuck between them? it's not really that matter in reality. there is always some grey area in our life. Nothing is really clearly differentiated in black or white. The only fact is: accept or don't.

I can't accept it. Therefore, no matter how much i want to, it will only result in pain and suffer.
And I know I cant deal with them. That's why I have to quit. But can i quit from  my life, the answer must be NO. I know it. because people will say: "think positively, why u have to do that for these kind of stuff? Get your own target in life!that is not everything!" or "this is not worth." or " it's stupid." 

yeah, i know all these lines well, to be Positive is the only choice for us to choose or, the thing we MUST to do. but, how you know it is not worth for it? who to decide? what the hell is that so stupid to be act like that, do you know how it feels? why cant it be everything, if you really mean for it? I know, it's a stupid defense again. But sometimes, we just need to be chill out awhile, get off the rail for awhile. we just need a BREAK. escaping from the life is the only way to chill. it feels really good to stay asleep while you are not happy. 

i will try to hang in there. it's not really that hard. but i just hope to know more, the feeling that deep inside my heart and your heart.  I want to deprave for some time. Can i?

I hope i can get the answer I want. 


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