Honestly, this is the 1st time I've been there in my 21 years life in Perak.
He and i have planned for it for so many months, but, it's just a plan, and never develop.
Fine, i went there with my primary school friends last two days [Monday].
There are nine of us, unluckily i only i list out some of their name (because most of them i just know on that day!), they are Lawrence, Chi Peng, Shi Huan, Uncle Foong, yew Hong?, and Ljuan...
Uncle and Shi huan is my Primary school classmates, others are Shi huan friends.
Shi huan is the one who fetch me and uncle. We gather at McD parking lot. The 1st i met is Lawrence. He....looks, hmm...gorpo and also alto. seem like a bit shy too....
After that, another car that full with MEN came.
yes, I'm the ONLY GAL...
never mind, it's ok. i used to be the only gal in boyz gang...
ok, around 45 minutes, we reach.
ok, we have to go in the cave at 930am (we reach too early and it only open at 930)
there are another 2 strangers add into our team, they are couple.
the sign board shows that there are 4 packages for the tourists, the 4th package it the most expensive but can go to the deepest.
it costs 22 bucks per person.
ok, to get in there, what you need to bring is: a set of clothes (remember, it includes your lingeries!), towel, shampoo and sabun and torchlight.
Please do not wear too beautiful or your lovely clothes or shoes there, or you will be regret.
Handphone and camera that is not waterproof is prohibited unless you want to spoilt them.
in the beginning, you have to climb the stairs, a lot of STAIRS.
this part has provided a lot of lights for us, so save your lights here and keep moving.
torchlight battery is very important in this tour.
after finish climbing the stair, you have to slide down the small hill...
then, you start your EXCITING tour!
the road is slippy and dark.
mind your head when you walk if you do not want to see RED LIQUID.
we crawl, we climb and we slide.
the guys are helpful by holding my leg to help me get down from the 'high' hill.
we jump into the hole and swim in the river.
if u like adventure, you will love it.
you will found a haven inside the cave and you will not want to leave.
when i finally reach the exit, i found that i HURT!
hmm, it's just a small cut...==

it is a nice day!
but just dun forget your lingeries!!!because i forget!haha
anyway, clothes and shampoo are sold at there.
I wish to go there again, because it is really FUN!